Tuesday, December 22, 2009

to all a good Christmas time

I am so thankful that Christmas is almost here! I love all the fellowship food, and goodies that we have over the holidays! We truly are blessed! I think of poor people over the holiday and try to play extra free rice, so some family that didn't have a meal for Christmas will get a surprise one! I hope all is well enjoy the family fellowship while you can ! I am not so fortunate since all 4 or my grandparents have been dead for over a year now! Enjoy every moment you have with them for you never know when your last might come! Be thankful for what you have for some people have nothing!
Merry Christmas!


This is a picture of our dog Julie!

This honey bee was just posing for a picture!

orange flower

This was part of my lunch yesterday!

Christmas candy!

I won this candy at our church social.

Praying Mantis

Monday, December 21, 2009

This is a pic. of the sun Yeah i know you shouldn't take pics of the son!

This puzzle was made by three people! My mom Kim,My sister Ruth,and myself in less than 2 hours!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Now the green blade reisth

La Sonnette members: Bianca Barbosa, Maddie Bornman, Levi Collins, Bridget Darmody, Kristen Engen, Jacob Fowler, Courtney Harvey, Maile Hoffman, Sarah Jamieson, Kelsey Landa, Michael Marr, Andre Salva, Cynthia Smith, and their director Eric Engen.

Friday, November 27, 2009

tomorrow may not come!

Something to think about:

One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore."
No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute."

Sometimes, what we care about the most
gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you."

So while we have it, it's best we love it,
care for it, fix it when it's broken and
heal it when it's sick.
This is true for marriage ...
and old cars, and children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, family and aging parents and grandparents.
We keep them because they are worth it .....
because we are worth it.

Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away
or a sister-in-law after divorce.

There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what.

Life is important. We only have one.

We only have one Mom, one Dad,
one unique brother or sister or friend.
I received this from someone who thought I was a 'keeper'!
Then I sent it to the people I think of in the same way.

Now it's your turn to send this to all those people who are "keepers" in your life, including the person who sent it, if you feel that way.

Suppose one morning you never wake up.
Do all your friends know you love them?

I was thinking....I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships=2 0that needed rekindling or three words needing to be said.

Let every one of your friends and family know you love them. Even if you think they don't love you back, you would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do.

And just in case GOD calls me home . . .


Live today to the fullest
because tomorrow is not

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bull frog sitting at my pond!

This is a picture or a cicada an big insect the size of a hummingbird! when it rubs it's wings together it makes a loud buzzing sound!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

new names

So i was talking to an old teacher of mine and he brought the subject of names of towns. He sent me a list and i just got to share it! This is what he said....

"I’ve worked on renaming some of the towns around here. I think we need some more variety. How do you like these: Schuykill Haven to Schooljive Dump, Reading to Blew-in, Philadelphia to Emptyhanded, Shoemakersville to Flipfloppertown, Lenhartsville to Brokenheartsville, and, my favorite, Hamburg to Vegeburg!"
yeah i was shocked too!

Monday, November 23, 2009

free rice

Help them out for less than one minute of your time you can donate over 100 grains of rice as i have done many times!


I would go slightly out of my way to step on a crunchy leaf today! I was cleaning and hanging out on face book all day! Only went outside to clean out a fish tank and feed our 13 cats! I saw my favorite cat the one with one green eye and a blue eye!
Here is a picture if you don't believe me!

jesus is watching you!

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said,

'Jesus knows you're here.'

He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze.

When he heard nothing more , after a bit, he shook his head and continued.

Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard

'Jesus is watching you.'

Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice.

Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.

'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot.

'Yep', the parrot confessed, then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you that he is watching you.'

The burglar relaxed. 'Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?'

'Moses,' replied the bird.

'Moses?' the burglar laughed. 'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?'

'The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus.'


Saturday, November 14, 2009

whats new!

Yahoo! We had our first off campus tour for band 09'! It was amazing. We went to the Hanover S.D.A. Church. I was of course playing the french horn. My favorite instrument! God truly blessed and played through us. We had our ringfestival in Toledo Ohio! it was a blast! We played with 12 other bell choirs. The sound was awesome. I am also practicing in choir for our Christmas concert! December 11. We are planning to preform Vivaldi's Gloria! Please continue to pray for me as i am working hard to do my best in all my musical classes!

Monday, October 19, 2009


For the past seven weeks school has been vary hectic. I have tried to get on high honor roll and half to work extremely hard. But through perseverance,and the help of my family I made honor roll not what i was trying to achieve but good. God truly does bless as He sees fit! I am playing french horn for my second year and it is also a huge challenge. Please pray for me as I knead all the prayers I can get. thanks for all the prays already prayed for me! god bless LEVI COLLINS THIS IS A REALLY COOL PENNSYLVANIA YOUTH WEB SITE CHECK IT OUT JOIN IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO!

Friday, September 25, 2009

I love my violin! I have been playing for 2 years. It is truly amazing how you can make a violin sing!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Summer experience wrap up

Philadelphia youth challenge 2009

My decision to apply for Philadelphia youth challenge started when Pastor Tara Vincross invited students to participate at B.M.A.'s visitors day 2009. I heard that I could make any where from one thousand five hundred dollars to four thousand dollars. I was very excited because all my eight grade year I dreaded working in what they call industry! I call it slave labor camp. After they accepted my application and my family dropped me off there in Philly, I was blessed the first week when I met the people I would be staying with they were awesome, or so I thought till I found out I was there main chef.

Even though I enjoy cooking, after eight weeks it became tiresome.

My first day canvassing was a very good learning experience. I had many good and bad responses from the people I met at the doors. Although Philadelphia is known as a rude hateful city many of my experiences at the door were good and encouraging to me, a first timer at canvassing!

One day while I was out canvassing I was feeling very discouraged because I hadn't sold any books all day. When my leader picked me up and dropped me and a friend off at another street he reminded us to pray before we got to the doors, as I had forgotten to do earlier that day. As we were praying I remembered that our book of the day was “the Great Controversy” now the book of the day is the book that our group decided to promote for the day. When it was my turn to pray I prayed that I would be able to sell at least one “Great controversy”. After pray we went to our first door on that street.

I was so nervous that I was shaking as I reached to ring the door bell, I waited about fifteen seconds not hearing anything I decided to walk away. As I was turning the door opened and an older man stepped out and asked “how may I help you?” I greeted him and started going through the canvasses, at first he kept eye contacted with me but as I went on he seemed to get bored and uninterested. When I got to the “Great Controversy” canvass his telephone rang, I was sure he would say “okay well I have to go bye” but instead he said “hold on let me get that I'll be right back” I waited for what seemed like hours and finally he came back carrying in his hand a ten dollar bill. As he approached me he said “I would like that book, the great controversy” and here is ten dollars, (the exact amount the book cost). I didn't canvass the book to him and he knew he wanted it! In Philadelphia youth challenge we have a saying that goes like this With every great controversy that goes into a home an angel goes with it!

God was definitely leading me to him! God has helped me so much this summer it's was amazing and as many of you know he convicted me,and I decided to be baptized! God is amazing

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Nature photos

This curious dragonfly was very pretty and didn't like to be looked at I had to take this photo really fast!
This dragonfly was very interesting to watch it always landed at the same spot every time it flew away.
This tiger lily was very pretty and if you look really close you can see some of the pollen blowing away!
This dragonfly was pretty tame, we could get really close to it!
This leperd frog was almost eaten by my dog I had to rescue it!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Pheobe home

This is our youth group helping lead out at the Phoebe home in Allentown Pennsylvania!
we put on a program with singing,stories,special musics, and lots more!

Friday, March 13, 2009


This squirrel lies on BME's bird feeders!

It likes to eat the birs seed.In this picture

it is hanging upside down on a feeder eating!